
The City of Ottawa established the Commemorative Tree Program was in 1989. The City assists families or groups who wish to have a tree planted in a City park in remembrance or to commemorate a loved one who has passed away.


  • The family/group chooses a park for the tree. If you do not have a park preference, Forestry Services will assist with the selection of a park.
  • The coordinator of the program will meet with you at the site to choose the location and the type of tree. The selection is made according to preference, site conditions, and availability.
  • The cost of a Commemorative Tree is $400 (plus HST) which includes planting of a 50mm caliper tree and watering for a three year period.
  • The tree will be planted in either the spring or fall.


  • Consult with the Forestry Services if you wish to install a plaque next to the tree.
  • The preferred type is a 10 cm thick flat black polished granite marker with an etched inscription. The plaque will be installed flush with the ground to reduce vandalism and allow access of maintenance equipment.
  • Forestry Services will install the marker at no additional charge.
  • The City is not responsible for the maintenance or replacement of commemorative plaques.

Should you require additional information or would like to purchase a commemorative tree, please contact:

3-1-1 for more information

Or this link for the pertinent City of Ottawa webpage